
A Place in the Conversation

Helping people discover a place in the conversation that allows them to be heard, listen to others, and grow as individuals and community.

Nancy's Caregiver Journal

Nancy shares some lessons from her caregiver journey.

A Place in the Conversation (APITC) is dedicated to helping facilitate the restoration of relationship that leads to healing and transformation.

 We believe true transformation begins when each person finds their “place in the conversation.” A place where they can speak freely, are truly heard, and learn from the experiences of others.

 This is especially true when it comes to our relationship with God.

 In Psalm 42 the psalmist writes about a deep spiritual longing that is at conflict with the stress, chaos, and pain of this world. In verse 7 the psalmist writes, “Deep calls to Deep.” We believe that these words are speaking about the fulness of God calling out to the fulness of who we are. The completeness of who we are crying out to God.

 We long to help people find their voice. A voice that allows them to speak the full truth of their experience and story.

 We invite you to journey with us.

Welcome from our Spiritual Formation Catalyst