Nancy's Caregiver Journal
Caregiving lessons to encourage caregivers and help others understand the caregiving journey

I never imagined myself in the role of caregiver.
Life events demanded I learn a whole new way of thinking and moving through the world.
These video journals share some of the lessons I have learned along the way.
Caregiver Lessons
This caregiver journal is a way to share with myself and others some of the caregiving lessons I have learned while walking alongside my husband during his cancer journey.
Over the years I have used many words to describe who I am, daughter, friend, student, teacher, wife, gardener, and Christ-follower. Following Dan’s diagnosis of stage IV colon cancer, I added the role of “caregiver.”
Dan was first diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer back in May of 2016. Since then, there have been many twists and turns in our journey.
My relationship with Dan has changed and evolved as we balance the cancer journey with other aspects of our lives. While it has not been easy, we are grateful for the time we have been able to share together. Traveling this season together has certainly brought us closer together.
This caregiver journal is one way that I have found to share some of the lessons I have learned along the way. I recognize that our experiences may be very different, my prayer is that somewhere in my sharing you may find hope and strength as you care for others.
If you are not a caregiver this journal may help you understand the struggle caregivers go through. I share the joys, struggles, and fulness of my experience as a caregiver. Somewhere in my sharing, you may find a new understanding of what the caregivers in your world go through on a daily basis.
Some of my journals are serious, and some verge on silly, which is a snapshot of my life.
Sample Caregiver Journals
A Little Help from a Friend
Exhaustion is Real
Cancer and Buying a Car
Now You See Me