The Journey Continues
Finding Joy Amid Life's StrugglesDaniel J. Nicewonger
with special reflections by Nancy Nicewonger
While everyone’s journey is unique, there are lessons to be learned as Daniel shares the realities of learning to live with his “new normal.” Whatever storms may be raging in your life, come find “Joy Amidst Life’s Struggles.”
While everyone’s journey is unique, there are lessons to be learned as Daniel shares the realities of learning to live with his “new normal.” Whatever storms may be raging in your life, come find “Joy Amidst Life’s Struggles.”
The Journey Continues
Cancer has a way of upending every area of one’s life and the lives of those near the patient. Pastor Daniel Nicewonger shares with honesty and vulnerability his journey following a diagnosis of stage IV colon cancer. He openly shares the joys and struggles of learning to live with cancer. Daniel shares about learning to walk with his oncology team, how the journey affected the caregivers in his life, and the disruption to family and work life. The Journey Continues is Daniel’s witness that one can find joy, peace, and comfort amidst the storms of life. While everyone’s journey is unique, there are lessons to be learned as Daniel shares the realities of learning to live with his “new normal.” Whatever storms may be raging in your life, come find “Joy Amidst Life’s Struggles.”
Daniel has been a seeker his entire life, seeking a deeper relationship with Abba Father. His journey was disrupted when the doctor said, “You have stage IV colon cancer.” Questions of “Why” and “If only” crowded his mind. Can one encounter God in the midst of a cancer journey? Join this seeker as he shares the pain and joys of this journey, not of his choosing. Daniel’s wife, Nancy, shares some of her experiences and feelings while watching her husband fight his battle. Daniel has served as pastor for American Baptist churches in New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. His passion is to “help people encounter God in the midst of their everyday lives.” He writes with transparency intended to allow others to see the struggles that lead to healing and life.

“Dan is a man of deep faith and perseverance, which shines brightly in his writing. His words are honest, insightful, and engaging. He does not hold back in this book, showing the highs and lows of his journey. As hard as the cancer journey has been, Dan shares how he has also experienced some profound blessings, including the ability to slow down and celebrate the things that matter most in life. Whether you are facing cancer or know someone who is, this book is a great read.
-Chris Lawrence, Founder of Hope Has Arrived
As a nurse, I know how important personal stories are to a community. Dan Nicewonger has given us this gift through The Journey Continues! He honestly and openly shares his human experience with cancer, the ups and downs, and in-between. As a pastor, he also looks at life through a spiritual lens, and because of this, one is left inspired after reading each chapter. I have shared this book with friends and clients who agree that it is a catalyst for developing understanding and compassion.
Joan Holliday, public health nurse, Kennett Square community advocate
Dan’s honesty about his journey is so helpful to folks in similar situations. I have bought several copies of this book to give out to members of my congregation. His sense of God’s Presence and Spirit alive and well in the midst of the cancer diagnosis and treatment provides inspiration for others, regardless of sickness or health. Everyone can find hope in Dan’s work.
Reverend Annalie Korengel, Pastor, Unionville Presbyterian Church
Dan can meet people where they are at in life and always plant the seeds of hope. Dan could stand in a dark room, and it would feel like his light would gently reach those in his presence. The Journey Continues reflects a person that feels pain, anger, regret, fear, love … but most importantly, someone eluding hope and acceptance of a path he is on.
Luis E. Tovar, Executive Director, Kacie’s Cause
Are you interested in having Dan and/or Nancy speak to your group? Send us a message.