Dr. Christopher “Doc” Wells

Dr. Christopher “Doc” Wells

To begin, here is some trivia about me. I am a gigantic nerd. I love Star Trek and can quote most of the important lines from The Next Generation, “Temba, his arms wide!”  I sold my comic book collection to supply “walking around money” for my honeymoon with Rachel – more on her in a bit. I learn new types of mathematics, new fields of philosophy, or new programming languages for entertainment. I can be a snob about certain things. For example, I roast and grind my own coffee. I love good whiskey, a perfect rare steak, and fried – never battered – Buffalo wings.

My biography is relatively simple. I am rustbelt born and raised. Born in a Detroit suburb, I grew up near Erie, PA. I went to college equidistant between Buffalo and Rochester, NY. I loved the Cavs and Browns as a kid and still kinda do.

My first kiss and first love is a girl I met in high school, Rachel. She became my wife and the mother of three beautiful and maniacal children: Iris, Soren, and Etta.

God gave me an intellect capable of handling very technical topics. So, I chased increasingly difficult mental challenges for the first twenty-seven years of my life. This culminated with a Ph.D. in theoretical high-energy physics from Johns Hopkins University. For the past seven years, my family and I have lived very happily in Kennett Square, PA, where I work as a data scientist by day and an aspiring entrepreneur by night.

Music is a source of great joy in my life. Over the years, I have learned to play the organ, piano, guitar, banjo, saxophone, and other instruments. I have been leading worship in one way or another for over twenty years. I have served as choir accompanist and director, worship planner, and worship team lead. It has been a blessing to work with congregations across many denominations: Methodist, American Baptist, Congregational, Presbyterian, Christian Missionary Alliance, and Roman Catholic. I find fulfillment in helping congregations discern and live out their unique worship norms.


BS in Physics and Mathematics, May 2005 – Houghton College, Houghton, NY

Ph. D. in Theoretical High-Energy Physics, May 2010 – The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


VP of R&D Indico Data Solutions, 2020-Present

Startup Founder (HelpWatch Technologies, Inc.; LooksieBin, LLC); 2016 – 2021

Quantitative Analyst/Director of Quantitative Advisory/Chief Data Scientist Chatham Financial Corp; 2012 – 2020

Assistant Professor of Physics Houghton College; 2010 – 2012

Adjunct Professor of Physics Notre Dame of Maryland University; 2008 – 2010


Member of First Baptist Church of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania