
Creating a Peacemaking Plan for Your Community

Conflict is a reality, is your team ready to handle it well?
Conflict is a reality of life, how you deal with it is a choice

Ready to help your community put together a peacemaking plan?

Your church has a mission. Your church has a vision for the future. Keep on track by developing a plan to navigate conflict peacefully.

Conflict within a community or congregation cannot be prevented or managed.

With a little intention and focus you can grow a community of peacemakers who navigate conflict with grace, kindness, and mercy.

A healthy congregation has a plan to navigate conflict in order to restore unity and return the focus to your mission and vision.

Knowing conflict will come, you can have the tools in place so you can navigate the course of the conflict while restoring relationships and returning to your church’s vision. Our consultants will help you customize a path to developing your peacemaking plan BEFORE conflict takes your focus away from your goals.

We can partner with you to provide training and insights into God’s plan for conflict resolution. This can transform your approach to each situation you encounter.

Our unique approach allows you to customize the training to meet your needs. Personal attention from our consultant gives you the expertise to help you get the most out of this experience.

How would this work?

There are several options. Working with one of our consultants you would find the one that best fits your needs.


Consultation with your Leadership Team

One of our consultants will work with your leadership team to discern if preparing a peacemaking plan is right for your congregation.


Designing a Peacemaking Plan for your Community

Working with your leadership team our facilitators will help you put together a peacemaking plan for your congregation. We will train leaders to serve as peacemakers, and share ideas for helping your community adopt the new way of handling conflict.


Retreat Format

One of our consultants will work with your leadership team for multiple days to put together a peacemaking plan. As part of this plan, we will provide a message for the wider community that speaks to the importance of living as peacemakers.

Sample Peacemaking Plan

Every community should have a plan for addressing conflict that is well understood by leadership and the wider community.

Nancy helped the leadership of First Baptist Church of Kennett Square develop this peacemaking plan.

This peacemaking plan fits their leadership structure and meets their needs. We can help you design a plan specific to your congregation.

© A Place in the Conversation, Nancy Nicewonger, 2016

A Guide for Leadership

One part of any Peacemaking Plan is a guide for how leadership will handle conflict. The guide should outline a healthy process for openly addressing conflict within the community.

© A Place in the Conversation, Nancy Nicewonger, 2016

A Guide for the Community

The most important part of any peacemaking plan is helping your community grow in its ability to handle conflict with love and grace. This is going to require intention and planning. One way to help is to remind them that your congregation has a peacemaking plan and that your leaders are ready to help resolve conflict.

© A Place in the Conversation, Nancy Nicewonger, 2016

Introductory Training for Leadership Team

Trying to discern if a peacemaking plan is the right path for your community? This might be a perfect fit for you.

Initial no-obligation consultation: via phone, ZOOM, or in-person (free)

One of APITC’s consultants comes to share the value of a peacemaking plan with your leadership team. This introductory training outlines the importance of thinking proactively about conflict and how we would work with your team to develop a Peacemaking Plan for your community.

Follow up: Two hours of our consultants’ time to answer any questions you may have.


Designing a Peacemaking Plan

Initial no-obligation consultation: via phone, ZOOM, or in-person (free)

One of APITC’s consultants meets with your leadership team to talk about conflict resolution and what it means to live as peacemakers. Over multiple sessions (determined by the needs of your congregation) we help you put together a peacemaking plan. We discuss strategies for sharing the plan with the wider community and train leaders to serve as peacemakers.

Follow up: Two hours of our consultants’ time to answer any questions you may have.


Weekend Retreat Format

Initial no-obligation consultation: via phone, ZOOM, or in-person (free)

One of APITC’s consultants meets with your leadership team to talk about conflict resolution and what it means to live as peacemakers in a retreat format. Sessions on Friday and Saturday help discern needs and put together a peacemaking plan. We train your leaders to serve as peacemakers and discuss strategies for sharing the plan with the wider community.

One of our consultants would be available to bring a message during worship to help introduce the idea of peacemaking to your community. 

Follow up: Two hours of our consultants’ time to answer any questions you may have.


Want to talk about a Peacemaking Plan?