img_0002Our lead Facilitator, Nancy Nicewonger, brings a wealth of knowledge gained from experience and training that will be beneficial for your organization. Nancy has worked with children, youth and adults for over 23 years. A variety of work and volunteer experiences have introduced her to people from various backgrounds and in different settings and situations. She is able to listen to a story or observe a situation and help you consider different aspects of the issue. She is intrigued by people’s stories and has a desire to meet them where they are but then help them improve their situation. She has a way of asking questions in a nonjudgmental manner that encourages people to talk and think about their approach to conflict and their experiences that affect that approach. Years of working with children in education has taught Nancy that children can be taught to resolve conflict, making a classroom a better place for learning. This has to be a deliberate process that a teacher invests in. Current interest in anti-bully programs are good, but giving young children the approach to peace, is even better. Her classrooms have shown this idea at work and her goal is to bring this to other teachers and children. Nancy has worked with youth in Boston (city), central New York (rural) and Springfield, MA (a mixture of city and rural). The many changes teenagers go through does not mean they cannot also become peacemakers. One mother came to her during the time of her middle school conflict resolution club. She was amazed at how her daughter, a member of the club, had led her sisters through a talk that led to resolution of a conflict. The mother was used to conflict, but not resolution and was glad to see the change. Teenagers can become the leaders of healthy resolution instead of the constant cause of conflict when we invest in giving them the tools to cultivate peace. Working alongside adults and leading programs in churches is an outlet for Nancy since she spends so much time with children. She enjoys the challenge of helping adults consider a new way of thinking. Adults are not as willing to adopt a new approach to life and Nancy enjoys the journey. She sees mediation as an option when emotions have taken over a situation and the choice becomes walking away or getting help. Families, businesses and schools can use mediation to avoid an end to relationships. More details on Nancy’s experiences in education, churches, business, and resolution are available with our program information. Working with Dan in A Place in the Conversation gives Nancy a chance to bring together the tools she has worked to learn over a lifetime in order to benefit your organization. With Dan’s gifts and abilities, they can work together to give you quality programs and input that will bring you to a new level in dealing with conflict and relationships. Come with us on a journey to find your Place in the Conversation.


Nancy’s Bio

  • UNC Greensboro

MA in Conflict Resolution

  • Messiah College, Grantham PA

BS in Elementary Education

Conflict Resolution Experience:
  • Beyond Classroom Conflict

Leading workshops and family nights for schools and preschools

  • Conflict Resolution Center and Teen Court Program, Concord, NC

Internship with the Teen Court Program

  • Graduate School Experiences

Led a dispute analysis for a day care center in Holyoke, MA

Teaching Experience:
  • Stanly County Schools, Albemarle, NC

Pre-K teacher, Kindergarten teacher

  • Pioneer Valley Christian School, Springfield, MA

Kindergarten, first grade

  • The Lord’s Academy, Woburn, MA

Kindergarten, second grade

  • Grace Christian School, Merrimack, NH

First grade

Administrative Experience:
  • JAM Christian Daycare, Kennett Square, PA

Center Director

  • The Kids’ Place, Wilbraham, MA

Center Director

  • Preble Children’s Center, Preble, NY

Director, Preschool Teacher

  • The Lord’s Academy, Woburn, MA

Elementary Supervisor

Training Experience

  • Stanly County Schools

Led teacher workshops and family nights in Beyond Classroom Conflict

  • Pioneer Valley Christian School

Founded and led Middle School Conflict Resolution Club

Worked with children in Conflict Resolution for Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 5

  • ACSI

Led workshops on Conflict Resolution at Regional Conferences in New England and the Southeast

  • The Lord’s Academy

Led teacher trainings

Volunteer Experience

  • Maplewood Baptist Church, Malden, MA

Youth leader, Mission Board Member

  • Memorial Baptist Church, Cortland, NY

Youth leader, Sunday School Co-Superintendent, led workshops for church safety program

  • Church in the Acres, Springfield, MA

Teacher, Founder of GAMAland program for young children, Teacher and Director of Vacation Bible School, Sunday morning speaker, Speaker for Women’s groups, Leader of Advent Morning Retreats for women

  • Mission Baptist Church, Locust, NC

Teacher for adult class, Leader for children’s Reflections program, Small group leader

Work experiences

  • Lynch Group Homes, Willow Grove, PA
  • Campus Work Study- Faculty Service, Messiah College, Grantham, PA
  • Kenbrook Bible Camp, Lebanon, PA
  • Nanny, France
  • Nursing homes and Assisted Living in Malden, MA
  • Baystate Medical Center Emergency Room, Springfield, MA

Personal Interests

  • Family: husband, Dan and their son and daughter
  • Enjoys writing and reading
  • Loves to visit museums and historical sites, especially researching the past with her dad
  • New hobby: trying to grow flowers and vegetables around their home