Spiritual Direction with Dan

Spiritual Formation Coordinator

Helping you respond to the depth of the Spirit’s call in the midst of  your everyday life.

Spiritual direction is a special relationship whose focus is to help people look for the Spirit’s activity within every area of their life experience. Spiritual direction provides a safe place to explore questions and concerns about your spiritual life. Let Dan help you explore the Spirit’s call  in the midst of your everyday life.

Why is Spiritual Direction Important?

We plan for vacations, retirement, the weekend, and our next meal but let our spiritual development simply happen without giving it a second thought.

All too often, we go through life blind to how the Spirit of God is at work all around us. Distracted by the “noise” and busyness of our daily routines, we all too easily miss the direction and blessings of God. At other times we may be aware of God working and moving in our lives but choose to put off thinking about what that movement could mean for who we are becoming as we move toward maturity.

At A Place in the Conversation, we understand spiritual direction to be an intentional relationship focused on paying attention to the working of the Spirit in all aspects and areas of a person’s life.

What is Spiritual Direction?


A Relationship

Spiritual direction is an interpersonal relationship in which we learn how to grow, live, and love in the spiritual life.


A Process

Spiritual direction involves a process through which one person helps another person understand what God is doing and saying.


A Place

Spiritual direction provides a place to notice, reflect, discern and discover where and how God is active in our everyday lives.


A Response

Spiritual direction is about responding to God’s invitation to draw closer in relationship. It is meant to help a person learn how to be attentive to God’s presence in their life and make choices based on that awareness.

Is Spiritual Direction Right For Me?

People pursue spiritual direction for a wide variety of reasons and at different stages and seasons of life.

For some people spiritual direction is about deepening, or maturing a faith they have been nurturing for years.

Others are looking to rekindle a spiritual flame that has been extinguished by the cares and worries of this world.

The skeptics and explorers approach spiritual direction as a means to answer the question, “Is there more to this life.”

Whatever your reason for pursuing spiritual direction, we are confident the Spirit will meet you and speak quietly, yet confidently to your soul.

Some reasons to consider spiritual direction

To find, or escape structure

Some come to spiritual direction with a desire for greater structure or discipline in their spiritual practice. Others who have been held captive by a spirit of legalism surrounding the spiritual disciplines find great freedom and experience a renewed desire to grow as they practice spiritual direction.


To deepen an existing faith

Some people find spiritual direction is a way of deepening and strengthening their relationship with God and the Spiritual Life they have already experienced.


To re-engage a faith from an earlier age

For others, spiritual direction is a natural way of fully engaging their faith as they continue living out a faith they learned at an earlier age.


To explore my spirituality

Many people come to spiritual direction without formal spiritual practice or connection to a spiritual community. Instead, they desire to explore the spiritual dimensions of life.


To discover resources for my 12 step journey

People involved in 12-step recovery programs can benefit from spiritual direction. They often discover spiritual resources that provide a different perspective on their life experiences.


To heal the wounds from religious institutions

Spiritual direction can be a path towards healing for those who have experienced hurt and pain at the hand of uncaring religious institutions. Spiritual direction allows you and your director to focus solely on your relationship with God without all the “baggage” that comes with institutional life. It can be a first step toward healing and transformation.

Misconceptions About Spiritual Direction



Spiritual direction is only for the super spiritual

Spiritual direction can help anyone explore a deeper connection with God. The process of spiritual direction is for everyone who longs to experience what Jesus calls “life to the full.” In addition, spiritual direction can help you explore what it means to be a spiritual being.


Spiritual direction is a new practice

The origins of spiritual direction date back thousands of years. The process of spiritual direction is an ancient tradition in every culture and region of the globe.


Spiritual direction is a form of counseling or therapy

Counseling, or therapy, is often problem/issue focused with the goal being a healthy resolution to the issues. Spiritual direction is focused on discerning and responding to God’s work in an individual while on life’s journey. Spiritual direction is two people coming together with the express purpose of paying attention to the spiritual rhythms and leadings of the Spirit in all areas of life. The director’s goal is not to “solve problems” but to help those coming for direction discern where and how God is at work in their life.

Spiritual Direction with Dan

I understand my role to be that of a trained listener. Listening to you, and remaining open and sensitive to the leading and direction of the Spirit during our time together.

We will open each session with a time of quiet prayer.

During the session (which lasts about one hour) we will seek to be sensitive to the Spirit, who is the real director.

You will guide our conversation. You may wish to explore a critical issue, significant life choice, discovering a way to pray, or simply acknowledging a longing or question that persists over time.

Our primary focus will be your relationship  with God, and how it is reflected and challenged by all aspects of life.

Everything we talk about is confidential.

We will meet regularly (normally once per month).

We can meet in person, over the phone, or via ZOOM.

There is a $50 fee for each session. A sliding scale is available for those who find the cost prohibitive.

Do you have questions about spiritual direction? We can help.