Leighton (Nick) Everhart

Leighton (Nick) Everhart

Nick graduated from the University of Delaware and has a doctoral degree from the University of California, Berkeley. He did post-doctoral work at the University of Colorado in cell and molecular biology.

Professionally, he worked as a laboratory scientist, and in regulatory, marketing, business management and environmental stewardship in the agriculture,
pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology industries.

Since retiring he has worked at Longwood Garden, done tax preparation (14 years) served as Judge of Elections in Kennett Township, volunteered at Winterthur, served on the Board of the Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, trekked in
Nepal, stayed at a Buddhist Monastery, studied to become a Certified Master Gardener – to highlight some selected activities.

Nick’s current personal interests include family (four children and seven grandchildren) the environment, hiking/walking, gardening, reading.

Over the years he has enjoyed a variety of outdoor activities including backpacking, biking, skiing, running, tennis. He has travelled to over 40 countries for both business and pleasure.

Nick has followed a path to self-discovery that has led from active participation at the First Baptist Church of Kennett Square to an interest in Buddhism, Yoga, and “awakened awareness”. His training as a scientist and extensive reading have led him to describe himself as a pantheist.